All posts by bacon

Rhyl Festival 2005

Coastal Voices Rhyl Festival 2005
Coastal Voices Rhyl Festival 2005

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A glorious day in Coronation Gardens Rhyl, an outdoor perfomance then family picnic. Even our local MP got involved. Drinking definitley only allowed after singing!

Summer 2005

Costal Voices

Costal Voices Summer 2005

An evening rehearsal at out original ‘home’ Coleg Llandrillo Abergele. How fresh faced we all look, six of this merry band, oh and Sara of course, are still coming nine years on. well done guys, extra marks for staying power!!

End of Term July 2005

Coastal Voices End of Term July 2005

Coastal Voices End of Term July 2005

Ah those lazy hazy days of summer. How better to end a fab term of singing than with some evening’s refreshments at a local hostelry. Happy summer break, see you in September!!

Karl Jenkins 2004

Costal Voices Carl Jenkins 2004
Memebers of Coastal Voices, Karl Jenkins 2004

Well done to Sara, Cathryn and John for making the journey down to St Donat’s near Cardiff to take part in ‘Travels with My Uncle, written by Karl Jenkins. Thanks to David Gunn for coaxing us through our individual performance in the first half. Thanks also to staff from the Centre for Performance Research (CPR) in Aberystwyth for orchestrating the whole event.